miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009


I want to send a text message, by cell phone, but i resist. My anxieties for doing it are great. I wrote it, but not send it, to a woman that i love, she does not know this.

Persons who live in Holland, China read my writings and i wonder if perhaps they will live through an equal situation.

In this world we all love a person especially, be woman or man, we want the best thing for her, in my particular case, but i am a small mouse hidden in a barrel that is afraid of going out and to say to this kitty that i love it.

She can scratch me with her nails, chase me about her house and eat me with a big bite. Is the nature of the cats against the mice.

But human beings are more difficult to deal. When a woman says yes indeed means no, and when she says no is yes.

My story is very common. I love a woman, i said two times to her that i love it but she rejected me. In August i will do it for third time, it will be the last time, if she says no i will not accept touch the topic again.

I am arming myself with courage to make it, am afraid that she rejected me, that she gets angry of me because again i will say the same thing to her.

But it is not important for me because love is excessive and nobody can detain you to say to a person that you love her.
Thanks to Anya from Limbur, in Holland, for had been wrotten a message in this blog. I have never expect that some one from other country could find my blog. OK next country please jajaja.

2 comentarios:

Anya dijo...

Thank you for write in English :)

Yes now can I read it ^____^

Cooooooooooool shot HEHE
Its a realy sweet story ,
Thanks for sharing with us....
I will follow you (@^.^@)

Mr Lee dijo...

Your blog touchs us.Bless you forever.Let's keep in touch.